Player Registration

Interface screen for team selection

Basic Player Information #

This screen lets you enter the various name parts and determine which of your player’s names will be used by other characters and shown on the jersey.

Interface screen for player registration basics

ニックネ ー ム - Nickname
名字(姓) - Last name
名前(名) - First name
姓名<=>名姓 - Swap last name <=> first name
登録名タイプ - Registered name type
キャンセル - Cancel

Display Name Types #

Player name display types

ニックネ ー ム - Nickname
名のみ - First name only
姓のみ - Last name only
姓+名 - Last name + first initial

Confirmation #

Confirmation dialog

Player registration data has been set. Are you sure you want to confirm?

Player Audio Selection #

The game has many audio clips of the announcers pronouncing names. You can select one of these names, and the announcers will call your player that name during games.

Interface for player audio entry

Enter characters for the name you want the announcers to call you. As you enter characters, the total results will decrease. When characters have been entered, select “OK” to show a list of matching player name audio.

音声なし - No audio
入力 - Enter information
1 文字消す - delete 1 character
ぜんふ消す - clear all characters
キャンセル - cancel

検索結果 - search results
n-件 - n results

Selecting the Audio Clip #

Interface for player audio selection

現在の音声 - current audio
験索結果 - search results\

You can check and set the audio for the selected player.

Player Appearance #

You can modify many aspects of your player’s appearance: body type, face shape, hair and eye color, etc. Or choose “omakase” and let the game randomize for you.

Interface for player appearance

OK 「容姿設定を終了します。」
OK: “Finish setting the appearance.”

編集 「容姿の各パ ー ツを編集します。」
Edit: “Edit each part of the player’s appearance.”

選択 「12球団プロ選手やパワプロ容姿などから選択します。」
Select: “Choose appearance from existing professional players from the 12 NPB teams or other Powa Pro pre-set appearances.”

おまかせ 「容姿の各パーツの編集をおまかせします。」
Automatic: “Leave it to us to choose the appearance.” (Omakase in Japanese.)

キャンセル 「今までの変更をキャンセルし、元に戻します。」
Cancel: “Cancel the changes made so far and revert to the original.”

Player Appearance Summary #

顔タイプ - Face type
ほっぺ - Cheeks
肌の色 - Skin color
ヒゲ - Beard
髪の毛 - Hair
体型 - Body type
まゆ手 - Eyebrows
目 - Eyes
装飾品 フレーム ー レンズ - Accessories, Glasses frames, Lenses

Omakase Types #

Select one of the following options to randomize an appearance of that type, or choose “omakase” again to randomize among all types.

Omakase types

ふつう - Normal
かわいい - Cute
かっこいい - Cool
ごつい - Rugged
のんびり - Relaxed
おまかせ - Random

Player History and Aspects #

Decide whether your player is a high school graduate, college graduate, a regular company worker, or an independent league player, specify their handedness, birthday, fielding position, and other information.

Player history

経歴 - Career
ドラフト順位 - Draft rank/round
年齢 - Age
誕生日 - Birthday
利き腕 - Handedness (throwing and batting)
守備位置 - Fielding position
フォーム - Batting stance
アビールポイント - Strengths
ウィークポイント - Weaknesses
ゲームレヘル - Game difficulty level (rookie, normal, professional)

Player Type #

高校卒 - high school graduate
大学卒 - college graduate
会社人 - company employee
独立リーグ - independent league player

The selection determines the age of the player, e.g., high school graduates are 18 years old, college players are 22, company employees and independent leaguers are 24.

Birthday #

n-月 - birth month
n-日 - birth day

Handedness #

左 - left
右 - right
満 - switch
投 - throwing
打 - batting\

Fielding Position #

This is selecting the player’s primary position. You can add positions later by allocating skill points from training.

投手 - pitcher
捕手 - catcher
一塁手 - first baseman
二塁手 - second baseman
三塁手 - third baseman
遊撃手 - shortstop
外野手 - outfielder

Batting Stances #

Batting stance selection

Select the player’s batting stance.

スタンダード - standard
オープンスタンス - open stances
クラウチング - crouching stances
その他 - others
登場シーンつき - actual player/person stances

Strengths #

安打製造機 - Hit machine
抜群のバットコントロール - Excellent bat control
相手を選ばない対応力 - Ability to adapt to any opponent
圧倒的なパワー - Overwhelming power
勝負強い打撃 - Strong hitting
抜群の打撃センス - Excellent hitting sense
50m5秒台の俊足 - 50m speed of 5 seconds (i.e., fast)
最高のスタートダッシュ - Best starting dash (i.e., fast acceleration)
鉄壁の守り - Ironclad defense
地味だが堅実な守備 - Unassuming but solid defense
正確な送球 - Accurate throwing
アイドルばりの甘いマスク - Sweet face like an idol
捕手も守れる - Can play catcher
一塁も守れる - Can play first base
ニ塁も守れる - Can play second base
三塁も守れる - Can play third base
外野も守れる - Can play outfield
これといってないです - Nothing special

Weaknesses #

チャンスに弱い - Weak when it comes to opportunities
左投手が苦手 - Weak against left-handed pitchers
盗塁がヘタ - Poor at stealing bases
べースランニングが苦手 - Weak at base running
送球が不安定 - Unstable throwing
追い込まれるとリキむ - Tenses up when cornered
プレッシャーに弱い - Weak under pressure
これといってないです - Nothing in particular

Game Difficulty #

The first several levels are a starting point that will shift up or down based on your performance. The last several levels are fixed and won’t change.

This is the recommended setting for those who are playing Power Pro for the first time. (The game level may change.)

This setting is recommended for those who are not confident in Power Pro. (Game level may change)

This setting is recommended for those who have played Pawapuro before. (Match level may change)

This setting is recommended for those who are getting used to Pawapuro. (Match level may change)

This setting is recommended for those who are confident in Pawapuro. (Match level may change)

COM の試合レベルを「よわい」に固定します。
Fixes the COM match level to “Weak”.

COM の試合レベルを「ふつう」に固定します。
Fixes the COM match level to “Normal”.

COM の試合レベルを「つよい」に固定します。
Fixes the COM match level to “Strong”.

COM の試合レベルを「めちゃっよ」に固定します。
Fixes the COM match level to “Super”.

COM の試合レベルを「パワフル」に固定します。
Fixes the COM match level to “Powerful”.

Complete Example #

A completed player

これでいいですか? - Is this ok?

「この設定で開始します。」 - “Start with these settings.”

  1. High school graduate
  2. Second round draft pick
  3. 18 years old
  4. September 14th birthday
  5. Right-handed thrower, switch hitter
  6. Shortstop
  7. Batting stance: Standard 89
  8. Strength: Overwhelming power
  9. Weakness: Poor at stealing bases
  10. Game level: Normal